Saturday, December 9, 2017

Sorry it's been so long

So I'm sorry I haven't been posting, it's just because I've been working a lot and also I've been super busy with my Christmas shopping omg it's so manic but it's also the best time of year it's sad that it marks the end of the year but the beginning of a new year. Which also means lots of new posts and that sort of thing.

I'm also not doing blogmas this year because I'm just to busy at this moment in time but I will be doing it next year.
So instead I'm doing instamas so you can be check that out and see what I'm upto over Christmas and starting next year im gonna try and post every day so that this time next year I can look back at everything I did that year, kinda like a reminder, like those Facebook videos and memories they make me so happy because life goes by so quickly, it seems like only yesterday that I was a 13 year old little girl and here I am 4 years later crazy how much everything has changed.!!!!!!!!!!