Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Best ways to revise

So we are coming up towards the end of the exam season which means come august if you've failed any subject you are going to be able to resit most of them in November so here are my top revision tips for exams. 

Tip 4
    Tip 5
  1. Start revising early
  2. Don't spend ages making your notes look pretty— this is just wasting time. For diagrams, include all the details you need to learn, but don't try to produce a work of art. Limit yourself to 2 or 3 colours so you don't get carried away colouring things in.
  3. Take short breaks - every hour, not every 10 minutes.
  4. Use revision guides
  5. this will enable you to revise by osmosis. If you are going to do this , it's best not to learn anything until the night before the exam. Stick a revision guide under your pillow and when you wake the next day, you'll find the full contents of the book have been absorbed into your brain.
  6. During study leave, start revising early - i.e. 9 am — that way you'll get your day's work done much quicker and will have time to relax in the evening.
  7. Stick revision notes all around your house
  8. Get yourself drinks and snacks - so you don't make excuses to stop every 10 minutes...
  9. Try reading difficult bits in funny accents - french 'Bonjour Mr Shakespeare'
  10. Sit at a proper desk. Don't try to revise in bed — you'll be in the land of pink igloos and elephants before you can say "Captain Birdseye". 

Image result for good luck in multiple languages

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