Thursday, August 3, 2017

Cucumber Boats with Spiced Yogurt

Cucumber Boats with Spiced Yogurt
I've always thought the secret to getting kids to eat what their parents like is to remember to adapt your favorite flavors to your child's palate. If your kid isn't ready for strongly-flavored Indian curries, this could be the introduction that works: a familiar food, lightly spiced and presented in a fun way.
  • Small cucumbers
  • Small container of plain yogurt
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Cumin
Halve cucumbers lengthwise and scoop out seeds. (A melon baller works great for this.) Mix some plain yogurt, a couple of pinches of sugar, a pinch of salt and a dash of cumin in a bowl. Spread into hollowed cucumbers.

These are perfect for after school or for a summer picnic 

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