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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Lemon and ginger cupcakes

Lemon and Ginger cupcakes šŸ§ 

Cook time 20 mins 
Prep time 20 minutes 
Makes 18 cupcakes 


  • 150g self raising flour 
  • 150g caster sugar 
  • 150g unsalted butter 
  • 3 eggs 
  • 2 teaspoon of vanilla extract 
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder 
  • 2 tablespoons of milk 
  • Pinch of salt 
  • 3 tablespoons of lemon juice 
  • 1 tablespoons of lemon grind
  • 3 teaspoon of ginger powder


  1. Heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. And place 18 cupcake cases into a cupcake tin. 
  2. In a large bowl, beat 150 caster sugar, 150g softened butter, 3 beaten eggs. I till the mixture is pale yellow creamy colour 
  3. Get the large bowel and add the rest of the ingredients together until you have a smooth, soft batter.
  4. Now get an ice cream scoop or tablespoon and start adding the mixture to the cupcake cases and sprinkle some lemon zest over each case. 
  5. Place the cupcake tray into the middle of the over and bake for 20 - 25 minutes.
  6. Cool the cupcakes and then add butter cream icing to top the cupcakes of I also added some edible gold spray to make it sparkle.
  7. And the most important step sit down with a coffee and a cupcake and relax!

Friday, November 30, 2018

small victory but a big adventure

Its strange from the time i could walk and discover I wanted to live in big cities, and travel, never settle.
But i have traveled around most of europe but i have only ever lived in small towns and villages which
are great in till you discover thereā€™s so little potental for change , i mean donā€™t get me wrong small cosy
towns and villages are great itā€™s just thereā€™s so much more out there in the world from big cities like london
and new york to little ones like calais every place has its proā€™s and conā€™s and each place has its own
unique beauty and adventureā€™s side to it but after a while when the adventure is over, you get set in your
ways and become bored and you know that a new adventure awaits else were. Weather that is on a small
deserted island or a big city itā€™s a new adventure, a new discovery to make a new challenge if you will. At
the time it may seem like a big change, it will seem scary but sometimes thatā€™s a good thing, life should b
an adventure not the same old thing everyday. Donā€™t get me wrong routines are great but every now and
then change the routine, instead of having pasta for dinner every tuesday, get a takeout, go out for dinner
just change it up a little,(even if instead of spaggeti you have fresh pasta it is the little changes that matter)

When traveling with children of any age itā€™s hard but even more so when there 6 and under because they
will not sit still they want everything, but you donā€™t have to give in to them well not all the time that is.

When on a plane with babies and toddlers I would suggest keeping them up before you fly tire them
out as much as possible itā€™s the best way it means that they will hopefully sleep on the plane when your
flying and you will have peace for a couple hours atleast, with slightly order children do the same, if it
doesnā€™t work give them a screen or a good book that normally does the trick also offer a reward for good
behavour, I am not saying bribe you children just offer them a surprise if they behave, i know it works my
parent used to bribe me when i was a kid all the time with sweets and small cheap toys and colouring
books, thats also something i would suggest stocking up on colouring book mosts children love them
just no markers only pencils and crayons.

When traveling with teenagers, it can be hard. Bring extra chargers for their phones cause if their phones
die all hell breaks, no more peace, no more teenagers distracted with snapchat and instagram, no music,
also make sure they bring headphones, I would recommend bringing a spare pair i myself have lost multiple
pair of headphones while traveling i have also broke a lot too, also do not forget snacks.

Traveling as an adult basically music, movies and snacks oh and take as many pictures as you can you
want to remember the smallest adventures just  as much as the big ones life and memories are important
as a photographer myself i sometimes get caught up with taking the best picture for instagram or for my
blog, my friends are always telling my to stop and look at how beautifull it is.

My current adventure so I am currently on the train traveling from Banbury where I currently live to Exeter to see my friend Amy and look into the University and housing as that will be my next Adventure I am hoping to start university in January 2019 as I have too much going on right now, it will be fun, and iā€™m a little scared as i will be living alone and managing my own bills and life.

My single handed New York adventure Pt one.

My single handed New York adventure Pt one.

So I am doing it again another single handed trip to add to the list two down
and alot more to go, so why am I actually traveling around the world on my own?
Well there are multiple reason one is that i am single and I am at that point in my life where
I don't think I need anyone, I mean of course I have my friend who are amazing and have
changed my life, but I kinda want to prove to myself that I can do anything I put my mind too,
like traveling the world, hopefully getting my own flat and of course learning to drive.

So why New York well thereā€™s a story behind every place I wanna go and New York is no
exception to this. So when i was about 5 or 6 I saw this advert on the Tv for a trip to New York
and it said something along the lines of ā€œIf you go anywhere in the world just once you have to
go to New Yorkā€ and I remember beging my Parent to take me but having a three children and
paying for a New York holiday is not cheap so they said no instead we travelled around Europe,
by the time I was 16 I had been to over 26 diffrent countries multiple Cities and had lived in 3 diffrent
countries and been to more than 10 diffrent schools. So you could say we moved around alot,
my parents would say thereā€™s a new adventure round every corner, which is more true than I ever imaged.

So New york first time single handed, everyone that I told said on your own is that a good idea
and I said probably not but I gotta explore it gets boring staying in one place without an adventure
every now and then. I mean i should have saved up for a couple months but instead as soon as
I got my October payslip I brought my flights and a hotel for the first 2 nights and after that I donā€™t
know what im doingn or where Im staying, which to most seems stupid but too me its exciting.
 I mean my friend Ryan is coming to meet me so I wont be on the streets I will just be in a 24/7
mcdonalds forever. Of course iā€™m only kiding I did that once but I ate a lot of food bad idea guys
donā€™t do that unless you really have to.

So the only thing is that if you are under 21 you will struggle to find a hotel and you also canā€™t drink
so you have to say goodbye to liquid courage, my favourite kind of courage. So you guys will love
this just got my last g&t and yeah fails cause it went everywhere oh well I can get another one,
but it wasnā€™t me this time it was the guy sat next to me so yeah he felt really bad tbh bless him.

So I am gonna be in New York for 13 days, I am so excited but im gonna do a little state hoping
to philiadelphia, and New Jersey of course and possible so other places too as long as theyā€™re
cheap because Iā€™m in New York for black friday so shopping for sure is a must also my 12 year old
sister gave me a list of things she wants so, im gonna buy some extra luggage too also to put
christmas gifts in and everything else I will be going to buy, so I would like you guys to give me
some suggestions on where my next adventure should be donā€™t mind where they are, but I would
love some ideas,

Also who should I try and bring with me? Me and my friends are thinking about a group trip to
Ibzia? so what are your thoughts on that, We might start with a trip to devon or cornwall first but
when we all have enough money and can
get the time of work then we will be going on some sort of adventure.

Also do you guys have any suggestions on how I could become a fulltime freelance

travel blogger and photographer cause it would be amazing to be able to do something
like that I mean let me know what your thoughts are, I am considering studying business
at University and then possible starting my own freelance travel photography blogging company,
I am thinking about getting a vlogging camera but Iā€™m not 100% sure yet would you like to see
that we could do some collabaratings with other travellers and vloggers/bloggers would you
enjoy that let me know in the comments down bellow.

So here are some long haul flight tips/hacks: Bring many snacks chocolate bars, crisps,
popcorn, crackers, sweets, candy, whatever you like just remember you will not be able to take
any drinks through security with you, will have to buy then after you have past security, which is
fine even if itā€™s just a bottle of water its good to stay hydrated no matter how long the flight is, tip 2
if you have a favourite tea that you find hard to buy ( you can only buy it at one or two shops)
bring a couple of them with you, if you ask the staff they will give you hot water and sugar so you
can have your favourite tea, also bring extra headphones and charging cables and power banks
you never know what might happen also make yourself a little first aid kit just to throw in you bag
so that if you get injured on your trip then you will be prepared, also wear comfy clothes nothing
fancy your going on a plane, your not going to a party or on a date be compfy, also no heels for
got sake why how wear comfy boots or sneakers why do people act like theyā€™re something
specail like you are no going to get an upgrade for looking like a queen. Trust me I have tried
multiple times and if your nice and polite you are more likely to get upgraded than you are if you
look like a stuck up princess.

So I am writing this blog post sat on my first ever long haul flight, this is also gonna be the first
part of my New York set of blog posts I am going to try and write and uploud every day even if
its just a little something to keep you guys updated on what I did that day, also excpect many
pictures, im a photographer thats my job.

Thursday, March 8, 2018


So I've been going to poundland since I before I could even walk, sat in my buggy. So what I'm trying to say is a long time basically and recently one of you sent me a message on Instagram asking me to write about poundland so I thought I go there most days before I go to work to get a drink or some candy always and some times other stuff but you get what I'm saying so here's a list of what poundland actually sells...

So they sell lots of thing


Food everybody need it so why not get it a little cheaper save a little money, so what sort of food does poundland actually sell your probably thinking crisps and junk food which they do sell but they also sell things like pasta sauce, pasta, noodles, rice, bread, cooking supplies, so fresh food like milk and eggs, cookies, tinned and canned goods, sweets and chocolate, healthy snack,( nuts, seeds, trail mix, raisons, dryed fruit etc). 
-fizzy pop 
- fruit juice 
- squech 
- kids juices.

candy (technically food but hey) 

make up 

  • foundation 
  • setting powder 
  • eye shadows 
  • lip stick
  • lip gloss 
  • lip pencil
  • blush 
  • bronzer 
  • nail polish 
  • highlighter 
  • mascara 
  • brow stuff


  • shampoo 
  • conditionaire
  • shower gel
  • hand soap 
  • bath booms 
  • etc
- batteries
- baby supplies
- home wear/decor
- season supplies 
- party supplies
- birthday supplies 
- candle
- helium balloons
- dog food + cat food 
-pet supplies
-toilet roll/tissue/etc 
- clothes ( yes I know) 
- Ā£2 + Ā£5 item
- gardening supplies
- DVD (yes they are still a thing) 
-electricly items( charges, cases, headphones,etc
- healthy food
- toys 
- hair care items 
- wool 
- knitting items 
- sewing supplies
- plastic Cuttery, plates, cups, bowls 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Top 10 travel Hacks

1. Bring Snacks, I normally bring things like dried fruit, nuts, protein Bars.

2. Bring a couple of power banks and spare chargers just incase your phone dies, and your cables might break or get lost so its great to have spares.

3. Have some emergency kit, I have a list on my blog of what you should have in your travel emergency kit.

4. bring spare clothes you never know.

5. if you're anything like me and love taking pics its a good idea to pack a spare sd card for your camara, so you don't have to delete any or rush to upload them onto your laptop.

6. don't forget period products, just have a couple in your hand luggage. 

7. if your on a long haul flight then bring some dry shampoo and some mini toliteries, just to freshen up a little.

8. bring a notebook and pen so you are able to write things down.

9. back some baby wipes/wet wipes just to stay fresh they are so handy even if your not traveling with a child they are just great, and you can wipe the aeroplane tables down before you use them.

10. have all your emergency contacts not only in your phone and wallet but in your notebook as well as inside your other bags just incase your phone stops working or gets stolen.

insta - Beth_kent16
email - Bethanyltkent@gmail.com
Pintrest - Bethanyltkent

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Sorry it's been so long

So I'm sorry I haven't been posting, it's just because I've been working a lot and also I've been super busy with my Christmas shopping omg it's so manic but it's also the best time of year it's sad that it marks the end of the year but the beginning of a new year. Which also means lots of new posts and that sort of thing.

I'm also not doing blogmas this year because I'm just to busy at this moment in time but I will be doing it next year.
So instead I'm doing instamas so you can be check that out and see what I'm upto over Christmas and starting next year im gonna try and post every day so that this time next year I can look back at everything I did that year, kinda like a reminder, like those Facebook videos and memories they make me so happy because life goes by so quickly, it seems like only yesterday that I was a 13 year old little girl and here I am 4 years later crazy how much everything has changed.!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


So I been away for kinda a while working out something, I now finally have a job at Primark which is great. I also joined a gym which might seem weird considering I have been blogging about healthy living and all since June so most people would assume that I already went to the gym but no that was mainly because my local gym wanted Ā£50+ a month and then Pure gym finally came to us. (its opening on Thursday gonna be there for sure).  Puregym is also a 24 hour gym so you dont have to worry about opening and closing times which is great.

So I finally joined a gym which means that I will be blogging more about going to the gym, workout ideas, pre-workout snacks/drinks, etc

Also it would be great if you could let me know what you guys what to read or for me to blog about,  I will leave all my links below as always please feel free to chat anytime.

insta - Beth_kent16
email - Bethanyltkent@gmail.com
Pintrest - Bethanyltkent
Pure gym website -/https://www.puregym.com/